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Pythoni hulgale analoogne andmetüüp on Javas HashSet
A HashSet is like a Python set, but uses only object syntax. There are no literals. Declaration and creation look like:
HashSet<type> variable = new HashSet<type>();
Some methods: boolean add(object), boolean remove(object), boolean isEmpty(), boolean contains(object), boolean addAll(collection) (union), boolean retainAll(collection) (intersection), boolean removeAll(collection) (set difference), boolean containsAll(collection) (subset).
A HashSet is one kind of collection. Operations that may change the set return true if the set was changed, false otherwise.
Java | Python |
<syntaxhighlight lang="java" line="1" >
//hashset HashSet<String> aSet = new HashSet<String>(); aSet.add("aaaa"); aSet.add("bbbb"); aSet.add("cccc"); aSet.add("dddd"); //iterate over set Iterator<String> iterator = aSet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { System.out.print( + " "); } HashSet<String> bSet = new HashSet<String>(); bSet.add("eeee"); bSet.add("ffff"); bSet.add("gggg"); bSet.add("dddd"); //check if bSet is a subset of aSet boolean b = aSet.containsAll(bSet); //union - transform aSet //into the union of aSet and bSet aSet.addAll(bSet); //intersection - transforms aSet //into the intersection of aSet and bSet aSet.retainAll(bSet); //difference - transforms aSet //into the (asymmetric) set difference // of aSet and bSet. aSet.removeAll(bSet); </syntaxhighlight> |
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line="2" >
aSet = set() aSet = set("one")
aSet = set(['one', 'two', 'three'])
for v in aSet: print v bSet = set(['three','four', 'five'])
cSet = aSet | bSet
dSet = aSet & bSet
eSet = aSet.difference(bSet)
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