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- ...ITY FRAMEWORK OF PAKISTAN WITH INDIA AND UNITED KINGDOM Supervisor: Bahsi, Hayretdin [https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?10767 LINK] ..., Raquel FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF A STEAM BASED ONLINE GAME Supervisor: Bahsi, Hayretdin [https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?10768 LINK]15 KB (2114 sõna) - 18. veebruar 2019, kell 12:57
- '''Instructor:''' Hayretdin Bahsi, hayretdin.bahsi@ttu.ee7 KB (911 sõna) - 17. veebruar 2016, kell 08:39
- ==== From Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology, hayretdin.bahsi@taltech.ee ====29 KB (4133 sõna) - 13. detsember 2024, kell 17:29
- ...hallenge 9/12'''. You can register for it under ITC8111 or ITC8112 with dr Hayretdin Bahsi as instructor. Emin Caliskan will serve as co-instructor. This is a c ...1745-2015. This will be available for both specializations. Instructor: dr Hayretdin Bahsi. [https://courses.cs.ttu.ee/pages/ITC8112 Details] You can access to37 KB (5853 sõna) - 6. september 2019, kell 09:28