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=Thesis info for Cyber Security students=
=Thesis info for Cyber Security students=
* To defend in TalTech your main supervisor must be from TalTech. The co-supervisors can be from the University of Tartu or external.
* To defend in Tartu University your main supervisor must be from UT. The co-supervisor can be from TalTech or external.
A co-supervisor is not a neccessity.
== Deadlines for 2015 spring ==
== Important Deadlines for January 2025 Defence ==
* March 1 - send an e-mail to Rain Ottis stating your intent to defend your thesis in June, your topic and the name and contact information of your thesis advisor.
* Submission of the problem statement and research design document: 18 August 2024
* March-May - pre-defence of selected students
* Declaring your thesis topic in your study plan in ois: 9 September 2024
* TBD / May - deadline for application of defending the thesis in OIS
* Submission of the thesis to the reviewer: 8th December 2024
* TBD / May - submission of the thesis (two hard copies to ICT-411)
* OIS application: 16 December 2024
* TBD / June - defenses of the thesis (presentation 15 minutes + discussion)
* Submission of the final version of the thesis: 2 January 2025
* After the thesis defense, please visit the Dean's Office for more information about final formalities
* Defences: 13 January 2025
* TBD (June) - final ceremony
* [ Upload your thesis if you would like to have it public]
== Topic and advisor ==
Every student must have an advisor when writing the thesis. The advisor's role is to provide guidance on topic selection and research methods, as well as to give feedback on your work. It is not the advisor's duty to correct spelling mistakes or formatting errors - they will point such things out, but the responsibility remains with the student. Before a thesis will be accepted for defence, the advisor has to agree that it is of sufficient quality.
Almost any professor and lecturer you have met in your curriculum can act as an advisor of your thesis. Some of them have some open problems suitable for doing research and writing a thesis, but many may not have a topic to offer right away. It is usually more helpful to have an initial idea of a topic of your thesis and ask someone with interests in the related field to advise you. You can have an advisor not related to the university, but he can act only as a co-advisor and you need to agree to somebody related to the curricula or the [ leading institute] of the curriculum to be an official co-advisor. All (co-)advisors must have at least a Master's degree.
When refining a topic idea, make sure it has a clear connection with cyber security.
== Potential supervisors ==
Defending in Tartu?
* Olaf Maennel - network security, IPv6, ..
'''Must not''' submit to TalTech Moodle.
* Rain Ottis - national cyber security, serious games in cyber security, cyber security exercises
* Risto Vaarandi - log collection and analysis, event correlation, network monitoring, security monitoring. Application for supervision requires passing the Cyber Defense Monitoring Solutions course with grade 4 or 5.
* Toomas Lepik - forensics, malware, anti-malware
* Tiia Sõmer
* Truls Ringkjob - various
* Jüri Kivimaa - IT security economics, security cost optimization
* Bernhards Blumbergs - network security, exploit development, advanced threats, security evasion, IPv6
* Aleksandr Lenin: quantitative security risk analysis, security modeling (attack process graphs), security modeling patterns (e.g. attack patterns), analysis of strategic interactions of malicious decision makers, security games (game theory), security decision making and optimization, fuzzy metrics for security, fuzzy decision making and control, fuzzy security analysis, algorithms for security analysis (development, optimization, benchmarking), enhancing ISKE by integrating other analysis tools into the ISKE tool, social aspects of security (modeling and analysing social engineering attacks).
* Mauno Pihelgas - system monitoring, network monitoring, IDS/IPS systems, insider threat detection
== Proposed topics ==
'''Must''' still declare your thesis topic and supervisor in TalTech SIS, into your study plan.
The topics below are offered by potential (co-)supervisors. The list is updated as new offers emerge.
Contact Merilin Piirmann (
==== From the TUT IT office ====
== Important Deadlines for May/June 2025 Defence ==
* Migrating TUT Campus LAN to IPv6; Edgars Zigurs
* Implementing a freeware SIEM solution in TUT; Edgars Zigurs
* Campus WiFi quality and signal strength modeling (3D); Edgars Zigurs
* Submission of problem statement and research design document: 15 December 2024
* electronic door signs, room calendars, etc.; Thomas Lepik
* Declaring your thesis topic in your study plan in ois: 10 February 2025
* VoIP solutions - softphone, integration with existing information systems; Thomas Lepik
* Submission of the thesis to the reviewer: 20 April 2025
* integrating last generation BMS (Building Management System); Thomas Lepik
* OIS application: 12 May 2025
* the student view of OIS (usability, security, re-design); Enn Rebane
* Submission of the final version of the thesis: 18 May 2025
* Defences: TBA (possibly 28 - 30 May (if needed, 2 - 4 June 2025))
==== From Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu, ====
* Topic: On-the-fly encryption for car DVR
Task: Implement on-the-fly encryption functionality for Prestigio car DVR (by patching publicly available firmware - possibly by hooking write calls).
Use of hybrid encryption is recommended, however, implementation of scrambling (e.g., XORing with a fixed key) might already be considered success.
Describe the threat model, how it was done and how to use it.
* Topic: Parallel tallying for Estonian i-voting
Task: Describe security risks that could be reduced if election observers would be allowed to perform vote verification and counting using their computers. Propose changes to the i-voting procedures and develop parallel tallying reference implementation and test data set. Analyse new risks introduced and propose counter measures.
* Topic: Perfect Secrecy for TLS
Task: Create an Internet Draft proposing a TLS cipher suite or extension that would ensure perfect secrecy using one-time pad. Develop a proof-of-concept patch for OpenSSL/mod_ssl and Firefox. Analyze the security and usability, describe the use cases.
* Topic: TLS Session Resumption and ID card Authentication
Defending in Tartu?
Task: Study how TLS session resumption is implemented in browsers. Measure and compare the performance improvement TLS session resumption provides. Measure the performance impact if the TLS client certificate authentication is performed using a smart card.
==== TREsPASS project ====
'''Must not''' submit to TalTech Moodle.
* Research project: [ Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security]
The project is also suitable for PhD research, following the completion of the Master's studies.
Contacts: Dr Peeter Laud, Dr Jan Willemson, Aleksandr Lenin.
==== From Aleksandr Lenin, Cybernetica AS ====
'''Must''' still declare your thesis topic and supervisor in TalTech SIS, into your study plan.
'''Algorithms for Security Analysis:'''
Contact Merilin Piirmann (
* [TREsPASS] A genetic (evolutionary) algorithm for the Failure-Free risk assessment model.  
'''[Priority: <span style="color: #f00;">High</span> Status: <span style="color: #0f0;">In progress</span> Due: April 2015]'''
* [TREsPASS] Attack scenario transformation component. Design and implementation.
* [TREsPASS] Comparison of the genetic algorihm for the Failure-Free model with the Failure-Free model upper bounds estimation. Assessment of performance. Benchmarking and analysis.
'''Security Modeling:'''
== Thesis Defence Overview ==
* [TREsPASS] A structure for representing attack scenarios in the form of attack graphs in xml file.
'''Fuzzy Metrics for Security:'''
Defending an MSc thesis is a critical component of the Cybersecurity curriculum, demonstrating your ability to conduct in-depth research in a specialized area. This page provides a general overview of the thesis process, but it’s important to discuss specific details and requirements with your supervisor. The following outline assumes you’re on a four-semester study plan and aim to defend your thesis in May. For those planning a January defense, the phases can be adjusted accordingly.
* [TREsPASS] Fuzziness as a measure of uncertainty in quantitative security metrics.
* [TREsPASS] Choosing the right membership function to represent uncertainty.
'''Fuzzy decision making and control:'''
* [TREsPASS] Fuzzy attacker profiling
* [TREsPASS] Fuzzy reasoning and computations for the Failure-Free risk assessment model.
'''Security modelling patterns:'''
=== Thesis Timeline Overview ===
* [TREsPASS] APL (Attack Pattern Library) and MPL (Model Pattern Library) design and implementation.
* [TREsPASS] A library of attacker behavioral patterns.
'''Quantitative Security Risk Analysis:'''
'''First Year: Topic Selection'''
* [TREsPASS] Approximation of fully-adaptive strategies by the most optimal non-adaptive strategy. Assessment of precision and viability of the approach.
* Start exploring possible research topics and potential supervisors during your first year. By the end of the second semester, it’s recommended to have a solid idea of your topic and to have had initial discussions with your supervisor.
'''December: Problem Statement and Research Design'''
* [TREsPASS] ISKE-TREsPASS integration. Case study.
* In early December, submit a document outlining your problem statement and research design (detailed below). This submission also serves as your registration for the defense in the following semester.
'''Security Games:'''
'''Research Phase and Thesis Writing'''
* Defender game for the quantitative security analysis models.  
* Begin conducting your research as soon as possible. If you plan to defend in May, aim to complete your thesis by early April. This allows time for your supervisor to review your work and provide feedback. For those defending in January, this deadline is early December.
* Attacker-defender strategic interaction. Stackleberg equilibrium and security analysis.
* After receiving feedback, discuss with your supervisor whether your work is ready for submission. If additional time is needed, you may consider postponing until the January defense.
'''Final Review and Feedback'''
* Once your thesis is submitted, a reviewer will assess it and provide feedback, typically about a week before the final submission deadline. You can continue to refine your thesis until the deadline and incorporate reviewer feedback into the final document and your defense presentation. Addressing reviewer comments, such as fixing typos or clarifying sections, will strengthen your submission.
'''Final Submission and Defense Day'''
* At the final submission deadline, you must submit your completed thesis. On the day of your defense, you’ll deliver a 15-minute presentation of your work, followed by a Q&A session with the reviewer, committee members, supervisor, and audience. Preparing this presentation in advance will help you confidently convey your research.
Further details are provided below.
Good luck!
=== Registration and Submission of Problem Statement and Research Design Document ===
To defend their thesis, each student must submit a problem statement and research design document of up to 10 pages. This document should clearly include:
* The student's name;
* The thesis title;
* The supervisor's name (and co-supervisor, if applicable).
NB: In addition to the problem statement, '''a student must declare their defense in their study plan''' for the semester they wish to defend in.
'''Submission Timeline and Deadlines'''
Students must submit their intent to defend approximately six months before the planned defense date, adhering to the specific deadlines listed above. Generally, for a May defense, this document should be submitted by  December, while for a January defense, it should be submitted by mid-July or August.
'''Submission Instructions'''
Students are required to submit their documents through the TalTech Moodle link found in the "important deadlines" section for the relevant defense period. Make sure to self-enroll in this Moodle link. Expect feedback on your document via the email associated with your Taltech Moodle account within 3-4 weeks.
'''Document Structure and Content Requirements'''
Your problem statement and research design document should contain the following sections:
* Thesis Topic: Title of the thesis.
* Author Information: The name of the student.
* Supervisor Information: The name of the supervisor (and co-supervisor, if applicable).
* Motivation: Explain the importance of the problem being addressed and why it deserves a research study.
* Research Problem, Hypothesis, or Question: Clearly define your research problem, hypothesis, or question.
* Scope and Goal: Outline the study's goals, expected outcomes, scope, limitations, and key assumptions.
* Literature Review: Analyze similar studies, discussing the research gap and linking it to the research problem.
* Novelty: Justify the originality of your study by explaining its main contributions and how it differs from existing research.
* Research Methods: Describe the research methods, data collection, and analysis techniques, including how you plan to validate the research outcomes.
* References: List all resources cited in the document.
'''Evaluation Criteria'''
Your submission will be evaluated on the following criteria:
* Problem Definition: Is the problem statement clear and well-defined?
* Significance: Is the importance of the problem effectively conveyed?
* Literature Knowledge: Does the author demonstrate an understanding of the existing literature and limitations of current solutions?
* Methodology: Has the author considered appropriate methods?
* Validation: Has the author thought about how to validate the proposed solution?
* Novelty: Does the study contribute a novel perspective or solution to the existing body of literature?
Following these guidelines will ensure your document meets the standards required for submission and evaluation.
You can find detailed information about research methods [ here.]
=== Submission to Reviewer ===
Each thesis will be assigned a reviewer, sometimes also called an opponent. The reviewer must hold at least a Master's degree and have relevant expertise in the thesis topic. To avoid conflicts of interest, the reviewer should not belong to the same research group as the student. Although students and supervisors may suggest potential reviewers, the thesis defense committee makes the final selection.
The reviewer will provide a written assessment, typically around two pages, covering:
:-A brief summary of the thesis.
:-An evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses.
:-A recommended grade (on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is failing and 5 is excellent). This grade considers the clarity of the problem and solution, the problem's complexity, the appropriateness and execution of the solution, and the quality of formatting and language.
:-At least three questions for the student to answer during the defense.
:-The recommended grade remains confidential; only the defense committee is informed of it, and it is not disclosed to the student.
'''1st Submission vs Final Submission'''
The reviewer will receive a copy of the thesis two to three weeks before the university’s final submission deadline. This allows time for the reviewer to suggest minor edits, such as correcting typos or small factual errors, which the student can and should address within about a week. The student will receive the review one week before the final submission deadline, allowing them to make adjustments. Additionally, if the student feels more work is needed, they may choose to postpone submission to improve the thesis for a future defense period.
=== SIS Declaration and Application===
Before proceeding to the thesis defense, students must declare their thesis topic in the SIS (Study Information System) and receive approval from their supervisor. It's crucial to meet the declaration deadline, as failing to do so will prevent you from attending the defense.
NB: If your defense is scheduled at Tartu University, ensure that you complete the SIS declaration in their system by the specified deadline.
NB2: The thesis declaration should be made at the start of the semester.
The application deadline for the defense is in May or December, depending on the intended defense period.
SIS declaration and application deadlines can be found in the TalTech Academic Calendar!
=== Submission of Final Copy===
Each student is required to submit the PDF version of their thesis, along with the relevant thesis metadata and license information, through the Moodle course page link provided in the "Important Deadlines" section for the respective defense period. Please ensure you complete Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the thesis submission process outlined on this page.
If you are defending your thesis at Tartu University, please follow their specific procedures and deadlines for submitting the final copy.
NB: Remember to prepare a '''15-minute presentation for your defense'''. It’s important not to leave this task until the night before the defense!
=== The Defence Procedure ===
On the day of the defense, students will present their theses according to the announced schedule, which will be made public a few days after the final submissions have been locked in Moodle. Typically, the results will be announced at the end of the day.
The defense procedure for each student includes the following steps:
#The committee chair will announce the student's name, the thesis topic, and the names of the supervisor(s) and reviewer.
#The student will present their thesis in a 15-minute presentation.
#Following the presentation, the student will respond to questions from the reviewer, who will then recommend a grade. This recommendation may differ from any preliminary suggestions based on the success of the defense.
#The student will answer questions posed by the committee members.
#The student will address questions from the audience.
#The supervisor will provide their opinion on the thesis and recommend a grade.
NB: The recommended grades from both the reviewer and the supervisor are not binding on the committee, which makes the final decision.
These proposed grades will remain confidential.
After the thesis defense, you are welcome to visit the Dean's Office for any additional information regarding final formalities.
=== Applying for a Closed Defense ===
'''Inform the Program Manager's Assistant Emily Ridal ( at the earliest possible time.'''
This can not be left to the last minute!
== Formal Requirements and Recommendations ==
Until further notice, please use the formatting guide from the School of Information Technologies (link to the guide is given [ here]).
The thesis code for IVCM is ITC70LT.
Here are some important guidelines to consider when preparing your master's thesis:
'''Required Components:''' Your thesis must include a title page, an author declaration, an abstract (in both English and Estonian), a table of contents, and a list of references.
'''Length:''' The main body of the thesis should be between 50 and 80 pages, not including any appendices.
'''Formatting:''' Use Times New Roman (or a similar font) in size 12, with 1.5 line spacing for the main text.
'''Headings:''' Ensure that headings are numbered and that you use no more than three levels of headings throughout the document.
'''Page Numbers:''' Don’t forget to include page numbers on each page of your thesis.
Following these guidelines will help ensure that your thesis meets the required standards and is well-organized.
== Topic and Supervisor ==
Every student must have a supervisor while writing their thesis. The supervisor's role is to guide you in selecting a topic, developing research methods, and providing feedback on your work. However, it is important to note that the supervisor is not responsible for correcting spelling mistakes or formatting errors; they may point these out, but the responsibility for these details ultimately lies with you. Before your thesis can be accepted for defense, your supervisor must agree that it meets the required quality standards.
You can choose any professor or lecturer from your curriculum as a potential supervisor. Some may have open research problems suitable for a thesis, while others might not have a specific topic readily available. It is often beneficial to come prepared with an initial idea for your thesis topic and seek advice from someone whose interests align with your proposed research area.
You may also have a co-supervisor who is not affiliated with the university, but they can only serve in this capacity alongside a supervisor who is associated with your curriculum or the leading institute of the program. All (co-)supervisors must hold at least a Master's degree.
As you refine your topic, ensure it has a clear connection to cybersecurity.
Theses supervised by faculty from the University of Tartu (UT) must be defended at UT.
General rule of thumb:
'''Defending at TalTech''' - main supervisor '''must be''' from TalTech; co-supervisor can be from UT or external.
'''Defending at UT''' - main supervisor '''must be''' from UT; co-supervisor can be from TalTech or external.
If you plan to '''defend your thesis at UT, you should follow the University of Tartu procedures and deadlines for thesis declaration.'''
For more information, you can refer to the thesis guidelines and regulations available at UT Thesis Deadlines and Guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact Merilin Piirmann, the Academic Affairs Specialist at the UT Institute of Computer Science, at
== Potential Supervisors & Proposed Topics ==
'''The topics below are offered by potential (co-)supervisors (in alphabetical order). The list is updated as new offers emerge.'''
==== From Marko Arik, Industry PhD student, Talgen Cybersecurity Ltd. ==== 
* Offensice Cyber Operations (OCO) planning and execution
* Cyber Operations tools (visualization, planning, automation)
* Motorcycle Drag Racing
==== From Sille Arikas, Clarified Security / TalTech ==== 
* Incident Response
* Offensive Security
* Cyber Exercises
* Cybercrime
* Cybersecurity Management
'''will not be taking any other supervisions at least until Spring 2027, unless someone comes with a really-really interesting and relevant topic.'''
NB: Before approaching, make sure you comply with the checklist below:
* you have previous experience in the areas linked to your topic (relevant courses at the university / work experience)
* you have selected one initial thesis topic suggestion, finished your initial research, approach with a 2-pager and can tl;dr ''why is this important to you and how is this novel?''
* you can meet the agreed deadlines set by your supervisor and accept that there won't be any spoon-feeding
==== From Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology, ====
I am interested in various topics which can be categorized as technical and organizational. If you already have specific topics in your mind, we can discuss them and decide to work together. 
Technical Topics
* Application of machine learning and data mining methods to the following cyber security problems: Malware detection, botnet identification, code security review, intrusion detection in cyber-physical systems, IoT network or robotic systems   
* Cyber security of IoT, cyber-physical systems: Development of a security testbed, threat modelling, honeypots, intrusion detection systems
* Digital Forensics: Forensics issues in cyber-physical systems, IoT networks or robotics systems, mobile forensics, blockchain forensics
Organizational Topics
* Security operation center (SOC) models
* Case studies for the improvement of SOC processes such as threat monitoring, incident handling, vulnerability management or situational awareness
==== From Aivo Kalu, Cybernetica AS ====
==== From Aivo Kalu, Cybernetica AS ====
* Pilveteenuste ohuanalüüs ja võrdlus ISKE-ga
==== From Tanel Alumäe, Institute of Cybernetics ====
No topics available for 2024/2025 academic year.
* Eestikeelse telefonikõne automaatne transkribeerimine
Task: Töö sisuks on kõnetuvastussüsteemi loomine, mis suudaks võimalikult hästi transkribeerida eestikeelset inimestevahelist spontaanset telefonikõnet. Süsteem implementeeritakse kasutades olemasolevat kõnetuvastusmootorit. Kõnemudelite treenimiseks kasutatakse suurt hulka käsitsi transkribeeritud telefonikõnesid. Töö suurimaks väljakutseks on treeningkorpuses olevate kõnetranskriptsioonide joondamine helisignaalidega, et võimaldada telefonikõne-spetsiifiliste mudelite treenimist.
==== From Shaymaa Khalil, PhD STudent, TalTech ====
Interested in (but not limited to) topics related to:
* Industrial Control Systems: threat modeling, security, testbeds for education, penetration testing and digital forensics
* Digital forensics related topics, especially topics related to IoT,  Windows OS and Digital Forensics tools benchmarking
==== From Toomas Lepik, Tallinn University of Technology ====
General areas:
* Network Forensic (related data analysis)
* Reverse engineering (including malware analysis)
* SCADA security
* Incident Handling.
* Log Analysis
Specific ideas:
* Implications of DOH on security and availability + next step from
* Domain name availability and how DNS registrant and registrar policy changes affect cybercrime
* Heuristics on ip leasing operations
* Defending organization that does not have internal network
* Do applications do what they promise
* Identifying specific applications based network fingerprints
* Evaluation log collecting methods for Microsoft networks considering log poisoning attacks
* Log collecting frameworks for organisations without internal networks
* Information attributes and their  influence on the organisational security beyond CIA
* Frame works for cybersecurity devices / software evaluation
* Evaluation specific software /hardware using ATT&CK Framwork
* ATT&CK -Descriptions and false positives
* Anatomy of cyber fractions during the Russian-Ukrainian war
* Forensic Leaked materials of cyber criminal groups.
* ...
==== From Birgy Lorenz, Tallinn University of Technology ====
No topics as of 2024/2025
==== From Seyed Mohammad Hadi Mirsadeghi, PhD Student, Tallinn University of Technology ====
* Adversarial training of deep neural networks
* Generative artificial intelligence
* Deep programmability
* Computer vision
Requirements for supervision - student must be enagaged in research and driven!
==== From Sten Mäses, Tallinn University of Technology ====
* Creating educational hands-on virtual labs in platform
==== From Andrew Roberts, PhD Student, Tallinn University of Technology ====
1. Evaluation of Methods for Threat and Risk Assessment of Autonomous Self-Driving Vehicles
2. Design and Development of a cyber range for Autonomous self-driving vehicles
Topic 1: The outcome of this work will form part of TUT contribution to standards and methods research within the International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardisation (IAMTS).
Topic 2: The developed cyber range will be integrated into the EU ECHO-Federated Cyber Range.
==== From Aleksi Kajander, Tallinn University of Technology ====
* legal aspects of cyber security
* international law
* Cyber Conflicts and the Law of War/IHL
* EU-Law
* Cybercrime
* Interaction of Law and Technology
==== From Rain Ottis, Tallinn University of Technology ====
* national cyber security
* serious games in cyber security/cyber security exercises
==== From Mauno Pihelgas ====
* system and network monitoring
* observability and situation awareness
* IDS/IPS systems
* automating cyber defences
Not taking students for 2024/2025 academic year
==== From Jaan Priisalu, Tallinn University of Technology ====
==== From Muaan Ur Rehman, PhD Student, Tallinn University of Technology ====
Research interests:
* Machine learning in anomaly/intrusion detection
* Malware analasys
* System engineering/software engineering
==== From Nikita Snetkov, Industry PhD Student, Cybernetica / Tallinn University of Technology ====
* Protocols security in ProVerif
* Protocols security in CryptoVerif
* Systematic analysis of quantum-safe cryptography migration strategies in Europe
* Improving multiplicative-to-additive (MtA) functionality for threshold ECDSA protocols
* Blind Smart-ID signature protocol
Topics are not limited by ones above. If a student has a topic in mind, Nikita's research interests are  e-voting, digital identity, cryptographic security proofs and post-quantum cryptography.
==== From Matthew Sorell, Tallinn University of Technology / Adelaide University Australia ====
Matthew James Sorell <>
Topics in digital forensic science may be available.
Students should come with an idea that can be turned into a proposal.
==== From Eneken Tikk, Tallinn University of Technology ====
* Technical and organizational implementation of the GDPR
* Monetization of personal data
* Economics of cybersecurity (the cost of implementation relative to the anticipated and evidenced gains)
* Cyber insurance
* Non-military strategies for national and international cybersecurity
* Legal aspects of cybersecurity
==== From Risto Vaarandi, Tallinn University of Technology ====
* event log collection, event log analysis, event correlation
* network monitoring and intrusion detection
* data mining and machine learning methods for security monitoring and cyber security
* application of large language models (LLM's) for cyber security
* Security Operations Center (SOC) related topics
* any area that is connected to security monitoring and the technical side of cyber security
* various security engineering topics (e.g., system hardening firewalling)
Before applying, make sure that you:
* have previous knowledge in the thesis topic area - have passed relevant courses or work closely connected to the thesis topic area:
* have selected at least one initial thesis topic suggestion with background research about its validity.
==== From Jelizaveta Vakarjuk, Industry PhD Student, Cybernetica / Tallinn University of Technology ====
Jelizaveta's general research interest includes different privacy-preserving technologies and multiparty computations that are used for digital identity management systems. Additionally, post-quantum cryptography (with a main focus on digital signatures) and migration to post-quantum cryptography.
* Lattice-based cryptography
* Privacy Preserving Protocols
* Threshold Cryptography
* I-Voting
She does not have any specific topics to offer for the 2024/2025 academic year, but if something from her research interest sound appealing, please feel free to contact her (
==== From Adrian Venables, Tallinn University of Technology ====
* Cyber security aspects of Information Warfare
* Strategic Communications doctrine development
* Information Operations doctrine development
* Cognitive Warfare in the Digital Information Environment
Note: a background in International Relations, Political Science or Strategic Studies is required
==== From Gabor Visky, PhD Student, NATO  CCDCOE / TalTech ====
Gabor Visky <>
* Network traffic analysis in the maritime cyber-lab
==== From Kaido Kikkas, Tallinn University of Technology, IT College. ==== 
* Cyber security risks in telepresence robotics and their mitigation (practical experimenting is possible at IT College; see []
* Cyber security lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic (incl. surveys in Estonia)
* Evolution of Cyberwar (Estonia 2007, Georgia 2007, Ukraine 2014/2022
* Total defence in cyberspace (might try to suggest a strategy for Estonia)
* Specific traits of cyber capabilities in totalitarian societies
Some more possible keywords to spark Thesis topic ideas:
(e-)learning/training, FLOSS/Linux, smart devices, IoT, social engineering, usability/accessibility vs security/privacy
* Võtmesõnade otsimine eestikeelsest telefonikõnest
Also might study cyber counterparts to (legal) self-defence and citizen's arrest
Task: Töö käigus luuakse süsteem, mis suudab kiiresti leida inimestevahelisest eestikeelsest sponaansest telefonikõnest kohti, kus suure tõenäosusega esineb sõna mingist võtmesõnade hulgast. Süsteem implementeeritakse kasutades olemasolevat kõnetuvastusmootorit. Kõnemudelite treenimiseks kasutatakse suurt hulka käsitsi transkribeeritud telefonikõnesid. Töö suurimaks väljakutseks on treeningkorpuses olevate kõnetranskriptsioonide joondamine helisignaalidega, et võimaldada telefonikõne-spetsiifiliste mudelite treenimist. Töö teiseks väljakutseks on erinevate võtmesõnaotsingu meetodite testimine.
== Formal Requirements and recommendations ==
==== From Ricardo Gregorio Lugo, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy ==== 
There are no strict rules on formatting your thesis. Some general advice that is good to follow for a master thesis:
* a title page, an author declaration, an annotation in English and Estonian, a list of contents, and references are required in the thesis
* around 50 pages + appendixes if needed
* Times New Roman (or similar), font size 12, 1.5 spacing used for the ordinary text
* headings are numbered and no more than 3 levels used
* 2 bound hard copies are submitted, you will get one back afterwards. You also have to submit the license agreement granting TUT the right to store and publish the thesis.
* A soft copy of the thesis (in pdf format) and the thesis meta data sheet are sent to
'''The [ Cyber Defence Seminar] (ITX8040) is designed to provide advice on the thesis requirements and writing process to Cyber Security Master's students.
Any topic from Human Aspects and cyberpsychology are actual.  
== Thesis defence ==
Topics can include:
The thesis defence is typically held in early June. On a case-by-case basis, alternate thesis defence dates can and have been offered (for example, following the Fall semester).
* Human performance in cybersecurity
* Individual and Team Processes in Cybersecurity defense/exercises
* Human computer interaction in cybersecurity
* Human-AI trust and decision-making
* Communication and Decision-making in recognized cyber threat situations
* Human Perception and Information Visualizations in cybersecurity
* Cognitive factors in risk perception and decision-making
* Mental Health in Cybersecurity
The procedure for thesis defence is set by TUT regulations.
==== From the TalTech IT office ====
==== Declarations ====
* Security implications in Migrating Taltech Campus LAN to IPv6; Toomas Lepik
In order to catch potential problems early, students are required to indicate their intent to defend (plus topic and advisor info) by the deadline set for each semester. This will be done over e-mail. Selected students will then be assigned a date for an informal pre-defence that is designed to provide them feedback.
* Improving SOC and Information security processes; Toomas Lepik
* Auditing  Taltech EITS compliance based on public information; Toomas Lepik
* Improving Log analysis pipelines; Toomas Lepik
Before a student can proceed to the thesis defence, they have to declare the thesis topic in OIS and get approval from their advisor. The deadline for handing in the final version of the thesis (hardcopy and softcopy) is typically at least one week before the defence deadline.
==== From the TalTech Space Centre ====
==== Reviewer ====
NB: Please contact Adrian Venables, if interested in any of these topics.
Each thesis will be assigned a reviewer. The reviewer must have at least a Master's degree and relevant knowledge or experience in the field of the thesis topic, and they must not have a conflict of interest (such as being members in the same research group). Students and advisors may recommend reviewer candidates, but the final assignment will be done by the thesis defence committee.  
A reviewer will provide written feedback on the thesis, which includes some questions to the student (which will be asked and answered at the defence) and a preliminary grade proposal.
*Methods and tools for capturing, identifying, analyzing, and reverse engineering satellite protocols
==== The defence procedure ====
*Study of security features and use of cryptography in nanosatellite communication protocols
On the day of defence, students will be heard according to the announced schedule. Generally, the results will be announced at the end of the day.
The defence procedure for each student consists of the following steps:
*Reusable low-footprint cryptographic primitives for microcontrollers with limited resources
* the committee Chairman announces the name of the student, the topic of the thesis, and the names of the advisor(s) and reviewer.
* the student presents his or her thesis in 15 minutes.
* the student answers the reviewer's questions and the reviewer recommends a grade. This recommendation may differ from the preliminary recommendation, based on how successful the defence was.
* the student answers questions from the committee.
* the student answers questions from the audience.
* the advisor gives his or her opinion of the thesis and recommends a grade.
NB! The recommended grades by the reviewer and the advisor are not binding to the committee, who make the final decision.
*Testing framework for nanosatellite communication protocol implementation correctness and robustness
*Adaptation of existing protocol or designing a new protocol for the next Taltech nanosatellite
*Implementation of a fully reusable and secure protocol stack as part of the platform for future nanosatellites
*Implementation of the new Taltech nanosatellite protocol for ground station
*Security review of TTU100/TTU101 software to identify errors and risks that should be avoided in software for the next satellites
*Suitability, performance, properties, and security of LoRa technologies when used for nanosatellites
==== From the University of Tartu ====
NB! Theses supervised by supervisors from the University of Tartu (UT) have to be defended in UT.
Exceptions are possible, but need do be approved by the program manager.
If you will defend your thesis in UT, then you should do your thesis declaration according to the procedures and deadlines of UT.
Thesis related guidelines and regulations are available at:
In case of any questions contact UT Institute of Computer Science Academic Affairs Specialist Paula Luks (
Cybersecurity-related research in the University of Tartu is conducted by the following persons:
- Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu, <>
- Danielle Morgan, University of Tartu, <>
- Alo Peets, University of Tartu, <>
- Dominique Unruh, University of Tartu, <>
- Vitaly Skachek, University of Tartu, <>
- Mubashar Iqbal, University of Tartu, <>
- Abasi-Amefon Obot Affia, University of Tartu, <>
- Mari Seeba, University of Tartu, <>
- Sabah Suhail, University of Tartu,
- Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu, <>
Some topics are provided at <>.
For other topics, students can contact directly the supervisors and course lecturers.
A full list of thesis topics offered by the [ Applied Cyber Security Group (UT)]
is available in the [ thesis topics database].
Students can also get access to various [ hardware] that can be used for research experiments.
==== From Estonian Police ====
== Useful links ==
== Useful links ==
[ ITX8040 Thesis advice slides]
[ ITX8040 Thesis advice slides]
[ Some advice and requirements for writing a thesis in UT]
[ Format requirements of a thesis and MS-Word Template (TalTech)]
[ Some advice and requirements for writing a thesis in TUT (in Estonian)]
[ LATEX template for master thesis (TalTech) (accessible by UNI-ID)]
[ Databases, books, research papers accessible from the TTU network]
[ Databases, books, research papers accessible from the TTU network]
[ An Overview of Research Methods]
[ Previously Defended Theses]

Viimane redaktsioon: 2. märts 2025, kell 08:59

Thesis info for Cyber Security students

  • To defend in TalTech your main supervisor must be from TalTech. The co-supervisors can be from the University of Tartu or external.
  • To defend in Tartu University your main supervisor must be from UT. The co-supervisor can be from TalTech or external.

A co-supervisor is not a neccessity.

Important Deadlines for January 2025 Defence

  • Submission of the problem statement and research design document: 18 August 2024
  • Declaring your thesis topic in your study plan in ois: 9 September 2024
  • Submission of the thesis to the reviewer: 8th December 2024
  • OIS application: 16 December 2024
  • Submission of the final version of the thesis: 2 January 2025
  • Defences: 13 January 2025


Defending in Tartu?

Must not submit to TalTech Moodle.

Must still declare your thesis topic and supervisor in TalTech SIS, into your study plan.

Contact Merilin Piirmann (

Important Deadlines for May/June 2025 Defence

  • Submission of problem statement and research design document: 15 December 2024
  • Declaring your thesis topic in your study plan in ois: 10 February 2025
  • Submission of the thesis to the reviewer: 20 April 2025
  • OIS application: 12 May 2025
  • Submission of the final version of the thesis: 18 May 2025
  • Defences: TBA (possibly 28 - 30 May (if needed, 2 - 4 June 2025))


Defending in Tartu?

Must not submit to TalTech Moodle.

Must still declare your thesis topic and supervisor in TalTech SIS, into your study plan.

Contact Merilin Piirmann (

Thesis Defence Overview

Defending an MSc thesis is a critical component of the Cybersecurity curriculum, demonstrating your ability to conduct in-depth research in a specialized area. This page provides a general overview of the thesis process, but it’s important to discuss specific details and requirements with your supervisor. The following outline assumes you’re on a four-semester study plan and aim to defend your thesis in May. For those planning a January defense, the phases can be adjusted accordingly.

Thesis Timeline Overview

First Year: Topic Selection

  • Start exploring possible research topics and potential supervisors during your first year. By the end of the second semester, it’s recommended to have a solid idea of your topic and to have had initial discussions with your supervisor.

December: Problem Statement and Research Design

  • In early December, submit a document outlining your problem statement and research design (detailed below). This submission also serves as your registration for the defense in the following semester.

Research Phase and Thesis Writing

  • Begin conducting your research as soon as possible. If you plan to defend in May, aim to complete your thesis by early April. This allows time for your supervisor to review your work and provide feedback. For those defending in January, this deadline is early December.
  • After receiving feedback, discuss with your supervisor whether your work is ready for submission. If additional time is needed, you may consider postponing until the January defense.

Final Review and Feedback

  • Once your thesis is submitted, a reviewer will assess it and provide feedback, typically about a week before the final submission deadline. You can continue to refine your thesis until the deadline and incorporate reviewer feedback into the final document and your defense presentation. Addressing reviewer comments, such as fixing typos or clarifying sections, will strengthen your submission.

Final Submission and Defense Day

  • At the final submission deadline, you must submit your completed thesis. On the day of your defense, you’ll deliver a 15-minute presentation of your work, followed by a Q&A session with the reviewer, committee members, supervisor, and audience. Preparing this presentation in advance will help you confidently convey your research.

Further details are provided below.

Good luck!

Registration and Submission of Problem Statement and Research Design Document

To defend their thesis, each student must submit a problem statement and research design document of up to 10 pages. This document should clearly include:

  • The student's name;
  • The thesis title;
  • The supervisor's name (and co-supervisor, if applicable).

NB: In addition to the problem statement, a student must declare their defense in their study plan for the semester they wish to defend in.

Submission Timeline and Deadlines Students must submit their intent to defend approximately six months before the planned defense date, adhering to the specific deadlines listed above. Generally, for a May defense, this document should be submitted by December, while for a January defense, it should be submitted by mid-July or August.

Submission Instructions Students are required to submit their documents through the TalTech Moodle link found in the "important deadlines" section for the relevant defense period. Make sure to self-enroll in this Moodle link. Expect feedback on your document via the email associated with your Taltech Moodle account within 3-4 weeks.

Document Structure and Content Requirements

Your problem statement and research design document should contain the following sections:

  • Thesis Topic: Title of the thesis.
  • Author Information: The name of the student.
  • Supervisor Information: The name of the supervisor (and co-supervisor, if applicable).
  • Motivation: Explain the importance of the problem being addressed and why it deserves a research study.
  • Research Problem, Hypothesis, or Question: Clearly define your research problem, hypothesis, or question.
  • Scope and Goal: Outline the study's goals, expected outcomes, scope, limitations, and key assumptions.
  • Literature Review: Analyze similar studies, discussing the research gap and linking it to the research problem.
  • Novelty: Justify the originality of your study by explaining its main contributions and how it differs from existing research.
  • Research Methods: Describe the research methods, data collection, and analysis techniques, including how you plan to validate the research outcomes.
  • References: List all resources cited in the document.

Evaluation Criteria

Your submission will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Problem Definition: Is the problem statement clear and well-defined?
  • Significance: Is the importance of the problem effectively conveyed?
  • Literature Knowledge: Does the author demonstrate an understanding of the existing literature and limitations of current solutions?
  • Methodology: Has the author considered appropriate methods?
  • Validation: Has the author thought about how to validate the proposed solution?
  • Novelty: Does the study contribute a novel perspective or solution to the existing body of literature?

Following these guidelines will ensure your document meets the standards required for submission and evaluation.

You can find detailed information about research methods here.

Submission to Reviewer

Each thesis will be assigned a reviewer, sometimes also called an opponent. The reviewer must hold at least a Master's degree and have relevant expertise in the thesis topic. To avoid conflicts of interest, the reviewer should not belong to the same research group as the student. Although students and supervisors may suggest potential reviewers, the thesis defense committee makes the final selection.

The reviewer will provide a written assessment, typically around two pages, covering:

-A brief summary of the thesis.
-An evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses.
-A recommended grade (on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is failing and 5 is excellent). This grade considers the clarity of the problem and solution, the problem's complexity, the appropriateness and execution of the solution, and the quality of formatting and language.
-At least three questions for the student to answer during the defense.
-The recommended grade remains confidential; only the defense committee is informed of it, and it is not disclosed to the student.

1st Submission vs Final Submission

The reviewer will receive a copy of the thesis two to three weeks before the university’s final submission deadline. This allows time for the reviewer to suggest minor edits, such as correcting typos or small factual errors, which the student can and should address within about a week. The student will receive the review one week before the final submission deadline, allowing them to make adjustments. Additionally, if the student feels more work is needed, they may choose to postpone submission to improve the thesis for a future defense period.

SIS Declaration and Application

Before proceeding to the thesis defense, students must declare their thesis topic in the SIS (Study Information System) and receive approval from their supervisor. It's crucial to meet the declaration deadline, as failing to do so will prevent you from attending the defense.

NB: If your defense is scheduled at Tartu University, ensure that you complete the SIS declaration in their system by the specified deadline.

NB2: The thesis declaration should be made at the start of the semester. The application deadline for the defense is in May or December, depending on the intended defense period.

SIS declaration and application deadlines can be found in the TalTech Academic Calendar!

Submission of Final Copy

Each student is required to submit the PDF version of their thesis, along with the relevant thesis metadata and license information, through the Moodle course page link provided in the "Important Deadlines" section for the respective defense period. Please ensure you complete Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the thesis submission process outlined on this page.

If you are defending your thesis at Tartu University, please follow their specific procedures and deadlines for submitting the final copy.

NB: Remember to prepare a 15-minute presentation for your defense. It’s important not to leave this task until the night before the defense!

The Defence Procedure

On the day of the defense, students will present their theses according to the announced schedule, which will be made public a few days after the final submissions have been locked in Moodle. Typically, the results will be announced at the end of the day.

The defense procedure for each student includes the following steps:

  1. The committee chair will announce the student's name, the thesis topic, and the names of the supervisor(s) and reviewer.
  2. The student will present their thesis in a 15-minute presentation.
  3. Following the presentation, the student will respond to questions from the reviewer, who will then recommend a grade. This recommendation may differ from any preliminary suggestions based on the success of the defense.
  4. The student will answer questions posed by the committee members.
  5. The student will address questions from the audience.
  6. The supervisor will provide their opinion on the thesis and recommend a grade.

NB: The recommended grades from both the reviewer and the supervisor are not binding on the committee, which makes the final decision. These proposed grades will remain confidential.

After the thesis defense, you are welcome to visit the Dean's Office for any additional information regarding final formalities.

Applying for a Closed Defense

Inform the Program Manager's Assistant Emily Ridal ( at the earliest possible time.

This can not be left to the last minute!

Formal Requirements and Recommendations

Until further notice, please use the formatting guide from the School of Information Technologies (link to the guide is given here).

The thesis code for IVCM is ITC70LT.

Here are some important guidelines to consider when preparing your master's thesis:

Required Components: Your thesis must include a title page, an author declaration, an abstract (in both English and Estonian), a table of contents, and a list of references.

Length: The main body of the thesis should be between 50 and 80 pages, not including any appendices.

Formatting: Use Times New Roman (or a similar font) in size 12, with 1.5 line spacing for the main text.

Headings: Ensure that headings are numbered and that you use no more than three levels of headings throughout the document.

Page Numbers: Don’t forget to include page numbers on each page of your thesis.

Following these guidelines will help ensure that your thesis meets the required standards and is well-organized.

Topic and Supervisor

Every student must have a supervisor while writing their thesis. The supervisor's role is to guide you in selecting a topic, developing research methods, and providing feedback on your work. However, it is important to note that the supervisor is not responsible for correcting spelling mistakes or formatting errors; they may point these out, but the responsibility for these details ultimately lies with you. Before your thesis can be accepted for defense, your supervisor must agree that it meets the required quality standards.

You can choose any professor or lecturer from your curriculum as a potential supervisor. Some may have open research problems suitable for a thesis, while others might not have a specific topic readily available. It is often beneficial to come prepared with an initial idea for your thesis topic and seek advice from someone whose interests align with your proposed research area.

You may also have a co-supervisor who is not affiliated with the university, but they can only serve in this capacity alongside a supervisor who is associated with your curriculum or the leading institute of the program. All (co-)supervisors must hold at least a Master's degree.

As you refine your topic, ensure it has a clear connection to cybersecurity.

NB: Theses supervised by faculty from the University of Tartu (UT) must be defended at UT.

General rule of thumb:

Defending at TalTech - main supervisor must be from TalTech; co-supervisor can be from UT or external.

Defending at UT - main supervisor must be from UT; co-supervisor can be from TalTech or external.

If you plan to defend your thesis at UT, you should follow the University of Tartu procedures and deadlines for thesis declaration.

For more information, you can refer to the thesis guidelines and regulations available at UT Thesis Deadlines and Guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact Merilin Piirmann, the Academic Affairs Specialist at the UT Institute of Computer Science, at

Potential Supervisors & Proposed Topics

The topics below are offered by potential (co-)supervisors (in alphabetical order). The list is updated as new offers emerge.

From Marko Arik, Industry PhD student, Talgen Cybersecurity Ltd.

  • Offensice Cyber Operations (OCO) planning and execution
  • Cyber Operations tools (visualization, planning, automation)
  • Motorcycle Drag Racing

From Sille Arikas, Clarified Security / TalTech

  • Incident Response
  • Offensive Security
  • Cyber Exercises
  • Cybercrime
  • Cybersecurity Management

will not be taking any other supervisions at least until Spring 2027, unless someone comes with a really-really interesting and relevant topic.

NB: Before approaching, make sure you comply with the checklist below:

  • you have previous experience in the areas linked to your topic (relevant courses at the university / work experience)
  • you have selected one initial thesis topic suggestion, finished your initial research, approach with a 2-pager and can tl;dr why is this important to you and how is this novel?
  • you can meet the agreed deadlines set by your supervisor and accept that there won't be any spoon-feeding

From Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology,

I am interested in various topics which can be categorized as technical and organizational. If you already have specific topics in your mind, we can discuss them and decide to work together.

Technical Topics

  • Application of machine learning and data mining methods to the following cyber security problems: Malware detection, botnet identification, code security review, intrusion detection in cyber-physical systems, IoT network or robotic systems
  • Cyber security of IoT, cyber-physical systems: Development of a security testbed, threat modelling, honeypots, intrusion detection systems
  • Digital Forensics: Forensics issues in cyber-physical systems, IoT networks or robotics systems, mobile forensics, blockchain forensics

Organizational Topics

  • Security operation center (SOC) models
  • Case studies for the improvement of SOC processes such as threat monitoring, incident handling, vulnerability management or situational awareness

From Aivo Kalu, Cybernetica AS

No topics available for 2024/2025 academic year.

From Shaymaa Khalil, PhD STudent, TalTech

Interested in (but not limited to) topics related to:

  • Industrial Control Systems: threat modeling, security, testbeds for education, penetration testing and digital forensics
  • Digital forensics related topics, especially topics related to IoT, Windows OS and Digital Forensics tools benchmarking

From Toomas Lepik, Tallinn University of Technology

General areas:

  • Network Forensic (related data analysis)
  • Reverse engineering (including malware analysis)
  • SCADA security
  • Incident Handling.
  • Log Analysis

Specific ideas:

  • Implications of DOH on security and availability + next step from
  • Domain name availability and how DNS registrant and registrar policy changes affect cybercrime
  • Heuristics on ip leasing operations
  • Defending organization that does not have internal network
  • Do applications do what they promise
  • Identifying specific applications based network fingerprints
  • Evaluation log collecting methods for Microsoft networks considering log poisoning attacks
  • Log collecting frameworks for organisations without internal networks
  • Information attributes and their influence on the organisational security beyond CIA
  • Frame works for cybersecurity devices / software evaluation
  • Evaluation specific software /hardware using ATT&CK Framwork
  • ATT&CK -Descriptions and false positives
  • Anatomy of cyber fractions during the Russian-Ukrainian war
  • Forensic Leaked materials of cyber criminal groups.
  • ...

From Birgy Lorenz, Tallinn University of Technology

No topics as of 2024/2025

From Seyed Mohammad Hadi Mirsadeghi, PhD Student, Tallinn University of Technology

  • Adversarial training of deep neural networks
  • Generative artificial intelligence
  • Deep programmability
  • Computer vision
  • HPC

Requirements for supervision - student must be enagaged in research and driven!

From Sten Mäses, Tallinn University of Technology

  • Creating educational hands-on virtual labs in platform

From Andrew Roberts, PhD Student, Tallinn University of Technology

Topics: 1. Evaluation of Methods for Threat and Risk Assessment of Autonomous Self-Driving Vehicles 2. Design and Development of a cyber range for Autonomous self-driving vehicles Contribution:

Topic 1: The outcome of this work will form part of TUT contribution to standards and methods research within the International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardisation (IAMTS).

Topic 2: The developed cyber range will be integrated into the EU ECHO-Federated Cyber Range.

From Aleksi Kajander, Tallinn University of Technology

  • legal aspects of cyber security
  • international law
  • Cyber Conflicts and the Law of War/IHL
  • EU-Law
  • Cybercrime
  • Interaction of Law and Technology

From Rain Ottis, Tallinn University of Technology

  • national cyber security
  • serious games in cyber security/cyber security exercises

From Mauno Pihelgas

  • system and network monitoring
  • observability and situation awareness
  • IDS/IPS systems
  • automating cyber defences

Not taking students for 2024/2025 academic year

From Jaan Priisalu, Tallinn University of Technology

  • TBD

From Muaan Ur Rehman, PhD Student, Tallinn University of Technology

Research interests:

  • Machine learning in anomaly/intrusion detection
  • Malware analasys
  • System engineering/software engineering

From Nikita Snetkov, Industry PhD Student, Cybernetica / Tallinn University of Technology

  • Protocols security in ProVerif
  • Protocols security in CryptoVerif
  • Systematic analysis of quantum-safe cryptography migration strategies in Europe
  • Improving multiplicative-to-additive (MtA) functionality for threshold ECDSA protocols
  • Blind Smart-ID signature protocol

Topics are not limited by ones above. If a student has a topic in mind, Nikita's research interests are e-voting, digital identity, cryptographic security proofs and post-quantum cryptography.

From Matthew Sorell, Tallinn University of Technology / Adelaide University Australia

Matthew James Sorell <>

Topics in digital forensic science may be available. Students should come with an idea that can be turned into a proposal.

From Eneken Tikk, Tallinn University of Technology

  • Technical and organizational implementation of the GDPR
  • Monetization of personal data
  • Economics of cybersecurity (the cost of implementation relative to the anticipated and evidenced gains)
  • Cyber insurance
  • Non-military strategies for national and international cybersecurity
  • Legal aspects of cybersecurity

From Risto Vaarandi, Tallinn University of Technology

  • event log collection, event log analysis, event correlation
  • network monitoring and intrusion detection
  • data mining and machine learning methods for security monitoring and cyber security
  • application of large language models (LLM's) for cyber security
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) related topics
  • any area that is connected to security monitoring and the technical side of cyber security
  • various security engineering topics (e.g., system hardening firewalling)

Before applying, make sure that you:

  • have previous knowledge in the thesis topic area - have passed relevant courses or work closely connected to the thesis topic area:
  • have selected at least one initial thesis topic suggestion with background research about its validity.

From Jelizaveta Vakarjuk, Industry PhD Student, Cybernetica / Tallinn University of Technology

Jelizaveta's general research interest includes different privacy-preserving technologies and multiparty computations that are used for digital identity management systems. Additionally, post-quantum cryptography (with a main focus on digital signatures) and migration to post-quantum cryptography.

  • Lattice-based cryptography
  • Privacy Preserving Protocols
  • Threshold Cryptography
  • I-Voting

She does not have any specific topics to offer for the 2024/2025 academic year, but if something from her research interest sound appealing, please feel free to contact her (

From Adrian Venables, Tallinn University of Technology

  • Cyber security aspects of Information Warfare
  • Strategic Communications doctrine development
  • Information Operations doctrine development
  • Cognitive Warfare in the Digital Information Environment

Note: a background in International Relations, Political Science or Strategic Studies is required

From Gabor Visky, PhD Student, NATO CCDCOE / TalTech

Gabor Visky <>

  • Network traffic analysis in the maritime cyber-lab

From Kaido Kikkas, Tallinn University of Technology, IT College.

  • Cyber security risks in telepresence robotics and their mitigation (practical experimenting is possible at IT College; see [1]
  • Cyber security lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic (incl. surveys in Estonia)
  • Evolution of Cyberwar (Estonia 2007, Georgia 2007, Ukraine 2014/2022
  • Total defence in cyberspace (might try to suggest a strategy for Estonia)
  • Specific traits of cyber capabilities in totalitarian societies

Some more possible keywords to spark Thesis topic ideas: (e-)learning/training, FLOSS/Linux, smart devices, IoT, social engineering, usability/accessibility vs security/privacy

Also might study cyber counterparts to (legal) self-defence and citizen's arrest

From Ricardo Gregorio Lugo, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy

Any topic from Human Aspects and cyberpsychology are actual.

Topics can include:

  • Human performance in cybersecurity
  • Individual and Team Processes in Cybersecurity defense/exercises
  • Human computer interaction in cybersecurity
  • Human-AI trust and decision-making
  • Communication and Decision-making in recognized cyber threat situations
  • Human Perception and Information Visualizations in cybersecurity
  • Cognitive factors in risk perception and decision-making
  • Mental Health in Cybersecurity

From the TalTech IT office

  • Security implications in Migrating Taltech Campus LAN to IPv6; Toomas Lepik
  • Improving SOC and Information security processes; Toomas Lepik
  • Auditing Taltech EITS compliance based on public information; Toomas Lepik
  • Improving Log analysis pipelines; Toomas Lepik

From the TalTech Space Centre

NB: Please contact Adrian Venables, if interested in any of these topics.

  • Methods and tools for capturing, identifying, analyzing, and reverse engineering satellite protocols
  • Study of security features and use of cryptography in nanosatellite communication protocols
  • Reusable low-footprint cryptographic primitives for microcontrollers with limited resources
  • Testing framework for nanosatellite communication protocol implementation correctness and robustness
  • Adaptation of existing protocol or designing a new protocol for the next Taltech nanosatellite
  • Implementation of a fully reusable and secure protocol stack as part of the platform for future nanosatellites
  • Implementation of the new Taltech nanosatellite protocol for ground station
  • Security review of TTU100/TTU101 software to identify errors and risks that should be avoided in software for the next satellites
  • Suitability, performance, properties, and security of LoRa technologies when used for nanosatellites

From the University of Tartu

NB! Theses supervised by supervisors from the University of Tartu (UT) have to be defended in UT. Exceptions are possible, but need do be approved by the program manager. If you will defend your thesis in UT, then you should do your thesis declaration according to the procedures and deadlines of UT. Thesis related guidelines and regulations are available at: In case of any questions contact UT Institute of Computer Science Academic Affairs Specialist Paula Luks (

Cybersecurity-related research in the University of Tartu is conducted by the following persons:

- Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu, <>

- Danielle Morgan, University of Tartu, <>

- Alo Peets, University of Tartu, <>

- Dominique Unruh, University of Tartu, <>

- Vitaly Skachek, University of Tartu, <>

- Mubashar Iqbal, University of Tartu, <>

- Abasi-Amefon Obot Affia, University of Tartu, <>

- Mari Seeba, University of Tartu, <>

- Sabah Suhail, University of Tartu,

- Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu, <>

Some topics are provided at <>. For other topics, students can contact directly the supervisors and course lecturers.

A full list of thesis topics offered by the Applied Cyber Security Group (UT) is available in the thesis topics database. Students can also get access to various hardware that can be used for research experiments.

From Estonian Police


Useful links

ITX8040 Thesis advice slides

Format requirements of a thesis and MS-Word Template (TalTech)

LATEX template for master thesis (TalTech) (accessible by UNI-ID)

Databases, books, research papers accessible from the TTU network

An Overview of Research Methods

Previously Defended Theses