Erinevus lehekülje "ITI0011:harjutus 17" redaktsioonide vahel

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25. rida: 25. rida:
System.out.println(emailVerifier("")); // true
System.out.println(emailVerifier("")); // true
System.out.println(emailVerifier("t.e.r.e@tere")); // false
System.out.println(emailVerifier("t.e.r.e@tere")); // false
System.out.println(emailVerifier("email@tere.e")); // false
System.out.println(getDomain("")); //
System.out.println(getDomain("")); //
System.out.println(getDomain("")); // NULL
System.out.println(getDomain("")); // NULL
32. rida: 33. rida:
* Checks if given email address is valid.
* Checks if given email address is valid.
* 1. Email address is made up of local-part, an @ symbol and a domain part.
* 1. Email address is made up of local-part, an @ symbol and a domain part.
* 2. Email contains only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
* 2. Email contains only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), point (.) and @ symbol.
* 3. Local-part can contain one '.' character, but it can not be first or last character of local-part
* 3. Local-part can contain zero or one point ('.' character), but it can not be first or last character of local-part
* (Example: john.smith -> true; .johnsmith -> false)
* (Example: john.smith -> true; .johnsmith -> false)
* 4. Domain part has to contain at least one '.' symbol, which can not be first or last character of domain part
* 4. Domain part has to contain at least one point ('.' symbol), which can not be first or last character of domain part
* (Example: -> true; gmailcom. -> false)
* (Example: -> true; gmailcom. -> false)
* 5. The length of the last part of domain (what comes after the last point) has to be between 2 and 6 (both inclusive).
* (Example: hell.o -> false (too short) and long.something (too long) -> false; -> true)
* @param email
* @param email

Viimane redaktsioon: 24. aprill 2015, kell 05:54


Koostage selline programm, mis kontrollib kas meiliaadress on õiges formaadis.

Antud ülesandes loetakse meiliaadressi kehtivaks kui:

  • Meiliaadress koosneb kasutajaosast, domeeniosast ning nende vahel olevast @ märgist.
  • Aadress võib sisaldada tähemärke a-z, A-Z, numbreid 0-9, punkti (.) ja @-märki.
  • Nime osa võib sisaldada maksimaalselt ühte punkti ('.'), kuid see ei tohi olla nime osa esimene ega viimane sümbol.
  • Domeeni osa peab sisaldama vähemalt ühte punkti ('.'), kuid see ei tohi olla domeeni osa esimene ega viimane sümbol.
  • Domeeni viimase osa (peale viimast punkti) pikkus peab olema 2 kuni 6 (kaasa arvatud). St "email@tere.e" (viimane osa liiga lühike) ja "email@tere.tulemast" (viimane osa liiga pikk) ei ole lubatud, "" (viimane osa jääb vahemikku 2 kuni 6) on lubatud.

Kirjutada kaks funktsiooni:

  • emailVerifier - kontrollib, kas etteantud sõne on korrektne email. Tagastab vastavalt true, kui email on korrektne, false muul juhul.
  • getDomain - kui etteantud sõne on korrektne email, tagastab selle domeeniosa. Kui email pole korrektne, tagastab null.

Kui antud meili formaat on korrektne, siis tuleks tagastada selle meili domeeniosa.


<source lang="java">

public class EX17 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(emailVerifier("")); // true System.out.println(emailVerifier("")); // false System.out.println(emailVerifier("")); // true System.out.println(emailVerifier("t.e.r.e@tere")); // false System.out.println(emailVerifier("email@tere.e")); // false System.out.println(getDomain("")); // System.out.println(getDomain("")); // NULL }

/** * Checks if given email address is valid. * 1. Email address is made up of local-part, an @ symbol and a domain part. * 2. Email contains only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), point (.) and @ symbol. * 3. Local-part can contain zero or one point ('.' character), but it can not be first or last character of local-part * (Example: john.smith -> true; .johnsmith -> false) * 4. Domain part has to contain at least one point ('.' symbol), which can not be first or last character of domain part * (Example: -> true; gmailcom. -> false) * 5. The length of the last part of domain (what comes after the last point) has to be between 2 and 6 (both inclusive). * (Example: hell.o -> false (too short) and long.something (too long) -> false; -> true) * * @param email * @return true if email is valid, false otherwise */ public static boolean emailVerifier (String email) { // TODO: write your code here... return true; }

/** * Given an correct email returns the domain part * Domain part comes after @ symbol * Example: * Input -; return - * @param email * @return domain */ public static String getDomain (String email) { // TODO: write your code here...

return null; } } </source>