Erinevus lehekülje "CDMonSol" redaktsioonide vahel

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(ei näidata sama kasutaja 15 vahepealset redaktsiooni)
1. rida: 1. rida:
= Cyber Defense Monitoring Solutions -- fall semester 2014 =
1) Changing keyboard layout for the console window
== Basic Information ==
Edit /etc/sysconfig/keyboard and set KEYTABLE and LAYOUT variables accordingly.
For example, the following settings enable US keyboard:
All lectures and lab sessions will be held in room ICT-401 (Akadeemia tee 15A building), on every Friday from 17:45 to 21:00.
The lecture of October 10 will be moved to another timeframe (to be announced by the end of September).
During the semester, two homework assignments are given to each student. Both assignments can yield up to 20 points, thus the maximum score from homework is 40 points. During the exam, three tasks are given to each student, with each task yielding up to 20 points and the whole exam up to 60 points. The final grade for a student is derived from his/her personal score:
As another example, the following settings enable Estonian keyboard:
* score > 90 -- grade 5 (excellent)
* 80 < score ≤ 90 -- grade 4 (very good)
* 70 < score ≤ 80 -- grade 3 (good)
* 60 < score ≤ 70 -- grade 2 (satisfactory)
* 50 < score ≤ 60 -- grade 1 (pass)
* score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed to pass
== Homework assignments ==
* Task1 -- a group work for max 3 students (to be announced).
The possible values for KEYTABLE variable are keymaps located in
* Task2 -- a group work for max 3 students (to be announced).
Solutions to homework assignments should be sent to the e-mail address of the lecturer (given in the title page of each slide module). Together with the solution, full names and student codes of the authors must be listed. You should consider your solution submitted only after its reception has been confirmed by the lecturer.
As an alternative, change the layout with the loadkeys command, for example:
All submitted solutions should be carefully tested final versions. Please submit the solution only once, and do not send in partial and/or untested work. It is not allowed to submit a partial solution, and use comments from the lecturer for later resubmission of improved version(s).
loadkeys et
Please note that each student can be a (co)author of only one solution (i.e., participation in more than one student group is not allowed). Also note that the list of authors can not be changed after the deadline.
The parameter for the loadkeys is the keymap from /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386
The correct solution with your score will be announced after the deadline.
The 'loadkeys' command sets the keymap until the next reboot
== Information about the exam ==
During the exam, each student has to accomplish 3 tasks within 3 hours, using either a classroom computer or a personal laptop. All course slides and other electronic or printed materials (such as UNIX man pages or regular expression textbooks) can be freely used during the exam. However, any collaboration between students or receiving online assistance from other persons (for example, through public mailing lists or chatrooms) are NOT allowed.
2) if you want to run the virtual machine in bridged mode, change the MAC address of
the network card (if you haven't done this already) -- otherwise there will be MAC
conflicts if several virtual machines are running simultaneously
The exam can be taken at the following times:
a) set network adapter mode from NAT to Bridged Adapter
* to be announced
b) under Advanced -> MAC Address section, regenerate the MAC
* to be announced
== Re-examination information ==
c) in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules,
delete the entry for the previous MAC address and replace 'eth1' with 'eth0'
in the entry for the current MAC address
Each student is granted one re-examination attempt which requires official application. The student can apply for re-examination after failing a regular exam, or for improving a low grade from a regular exam. Re-examination invalidates any previous grade or intermediate result which was obtained during the semester. During re-examination, 2 assignments have to be accomplished within 1 hour. The final grade is solely based on assignment solutions, and no work from previous exam or semester can be combined with the re-exam.
d) in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0,
change the HWADDR for eth0 to the new MAC address, or comment out HWADDR

Viimane redaktsioon: 4. september 2014, kell 11:06

1) Changing keyboard layout for the console window

Edit /etc/sysconfig/keyboard and set KEYTABLE and LAYOUT variables accordingly. For example, the following settings enable US keyboard:



As another example, the following settings enable Estonian keyboard:



The possible values for KEYTABLE variable are keymaps located in /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386

As an alternative, change the layout with the loadkeys command, for example:

loadkeys et

The parameter for the loadkeys is the keymap from /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386

The 'loadkeys' command sets the keymap until the next reboot

2) if you want to run the virtual machine in bridged mode, change the MAC address of the network card (if you haven't done this already) -- otherwise there will be MAC conflicts if several virtual machines are running simultaneously

a) set network adapter mode from NAT to Bridged Adapter

b) under Advanced -> MAC Address section, regenerate the MAC

c) in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, delete the entry for the previous MAC address and replace 'eth1' with 'eth0' in the entry for the current MAC address

d) in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, change the HWADDR for eth0 to the new MAC address, or comment out HWADDR