Erinevus lehekülje "MScSeminar 2017 Autumn" redaktsioonide vahel

Allikas: Kursused
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(ei näidata sama kasutaja 5 vahepealset redaktsiooni)
3. rida: 3. rida:
==Oct 6: One page problem statement==
==Oct 6: One page problem statement==
* Peer review of the problem statement, i.e. everybody will be required to read 2 problem statements by fellow students and give detailed feedback. Deadline October 20. To be submitted to, to the course ITX8302.
* Peer review of the problem statement, i.e. everybody will be required to read 3 problem statements by fellow students and give detailed feedback. Deadline October 29. To be submitted to, to the course ITX8302.
15. rida: 15. rida:
# Is it stated how the goals are going to be achieved? (Kas on kirjeldatud, kuidas plaanitakse eesmärke saavutada?)
# Is it stated how the goals are going to be achieved? (Kas on kirjeldatud, kuidas plaanitakse eesmärke saavutada?)
# Is it clear how the results will be validated? Is it valid from the engineering point of view? (Kuidas plaanitakse kontrollida, kas saavutatud tulemus on adekvaatne? Kas see võrdlus on planeeritud insenerlikult?)
# Is it clear how the results will be validated? Is it valid from the engineering point of view? (Kuidas plaanitakse kontrollida, kas saavutatud tulemus on adekvaatne? Kas see võrdlus on planeeritud insenerlikult?)
# What methodology is used for the approach? Is the methodology adequate for solving the proposed problem? (Mis meetoodikat kasutatakse antud lähenemises? Kas antud metoodika on adekvaatne ülesande lahendamiseks?)
# How current/relevant/novel the topic is? (Kui aktuaalne/uudne teema on?)
# How current/relevant/novel the topic is? (Kui aktuaalne/uudne teema on?)
# Is the planned solution realistic? (Kas planeeritav lahendus on realistlik?)
# Is the planned solution realistic? (Kas planeeritav lahendus on realistlik?)
20. rida: 21. rida:
# Is the problem suitable for a MSc thesis? (Kas ülesanne on sobiv magistritöö raames lahendamiseks?)
# Is the problem suitable for a MSc thesis? (Kas ülesanne on sobiv magistritöö raames lahendamiseks?)
==November 10: Written related work section==
==November 17: Written related work section==
The related work and background description should be at least 4 pages and should contain at least 15 references. The references need to be reliable and useful from the point of view of your thesis.
The related work and background description should be at least 4 pages and should contain at least 15 references. The references need to be reliable and useful from the point of view of your thesis.
26. rida: 27. rida:
It is recommended that you add the 1 page problem statement to the document so that it will be possible to understand if the background and related work provided is relevant for the problem to be solved.
It is recommended that you add the 1 page problem statement to the document so that it will be possible to understand if the background and related work provided is relevant for the problem to be solved.
* Peer review of the related work, i.e. everybody will be required to read 2 related work submissions and give detailed feedback. Deadline November 24.
* Peer review of the related work, i.e. everybody will be required to read 2 related work submissions and give detailed feedback. Deadline December 1.
==November/December: Submission of the draft of the thesis==
==November/December: Submission of the draft of the thesis==
53. rida: 54. rida:
* Sept 15: Discussion of write literature review. Review of the referencing guide provided by the university: [ Allikate kasutamise juhend], [ Using sources].
* Sept 15: Discussion of write literature review. Review of the referencing guide provided by the university: [ Allikate kasutamise juhend], [ Using sources].
* Sept 22: How to write reviews? [ Ian Parberry's adivce], [ Why some people sign their reviews?], [ Olivier Danvy's slides on reviewing]
* Sept 22: How to write reviews? [ Ian Parberry's adivce], [ Why some people sign their reviews?], [ Olivier Danvy's slides on reviewing]
* Feb 21-March 8: No meeting
* Sept 29: No planned talk, but possible to discuss your problem statement.
* Oct 6: No planned talk, but possible to discuss your problem statement.
* October 13: No meeting
* October 20: Discussion of feedback.
=Thesis topics=
=Thesis topics=
[ Thesis topics at the Department of Software Science]
[ Thesis topics at the Department of Software Science]

Viimane redaktsioon: 20. oktoober 2017, kell 09:32


Oct 6: One page problem statement

  • Peer review of the problem statement, i.e. everybody will be required to read 3 problem statements by fellow students and give detailed feedback. Deadline October 29. To be submitted to, to the course ITX8302.

Questions that need to have answers:

  1. Is it clear what is going to be done? (Kas on selge, mida töös teha plaanitakse?)
  2. Have you stated the goals that you will attempt to achieve by doing the work? (Kas on püstitatud töös saavutatavad eesmärgid ja oodatav tulemus?)
  3. Is the student aware of alternative solutions and background? (Kas tudeng on teadlik valdkonna tasutast ja alternatiivsetest lahendustest?)
  4. Is it stated how the goals are going to be achieved? (Kas on kirjeldatud, kuidas plaanitakse eesmärke saavutada?)
  5. Is it clear how the results will be validated? Is it valid from the engineering point of view? (Kuidas plaanitakse kontrollida, kas saavutatud tulemus on adekvaatne? Kas see võrdlus on planeeritud insenerlikult?)
  6. What methodology is used for the approach? Is the methodology adequate for solving the proposed problem? (Mis meetoodikat kasutatakse antud lähenemises? Kas antud metoodika on adekvaatne ülesande lahendamiseks?)
  7. How current/relevant/novel the topic is? (Kui aktuaalne/uudne teema on?)
  8. Is the planned solution realistic? (Kas planeeritav lahendus on realistlik?)
  9. How complex the planned task is on the scale easy/average/hard? (Kui keeruline ülesanne on (skaalal lihtne / keskmine / keerukas)?)
  10. Is the problem suitable for a MSc thesis? (Kas ülesanne on sobiv magistritöö raames lahendamiseks?)

November 17: Written related work section

The related work and background description should be at least 4 pages and should contain at least 15 references. The references need to be reliable and useful from the point of view of your thesis.

It is recommended that you add the 1 page problem statement to the document so that it will be possible to understand if the background and related work provided is relevant for the problem to be solved.

  • Peer review of the related work, i.e. everybody will be required to read 2 related work submissions and give detailed feedback. Deadline December 1.

November/December: Submission of the draft of the thesis

By the time you give the talk you should submit your current draft of the thesis to the appropriate assignment in ITX8302 at


  • 8% of 100%: 1-page problem statement, another 8% of 100% for giving feedback to problem statements submitted by others.
  • 45% of 100%: background and related work submission.
  • 9% of 100%: feedback to background and related work submissions by other students (3 each).
  • 30% of 100%: Your mock defence talk and participation in seminars where other students give talks. Note that you will need to submit your current draft of the thesis by the time you give the talk. The draft is not marked, but it will be used for questions after your talk.

The final grade will be calculated as follows from the sum of the above results:

  • 90% or more: 5
  • 80% or more: 4
  • 70% or more: 3
  • 60% or more: 2
  • 50% or more: 1
  • less than 50%: 0


Thesis topics

Thesis topics at the Department of Software Science