Erinevus lehekülje "Data Mining and network analysis IDN0110 2016" redaktsioonide vahel

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30. rida: 30. rida:
*51 < score < 60 -- grade 1 (pass)
*51 < score < 60 -- grade 1 (pass)
score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed to pass
score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed to pass
==Lectures ==
Lecture slides, necessary files, links and other necessary information would appear here before the lecture or practice.

Redaktsioon: 27. jaanuar 2016, kell 13:26

Spring 2015/2016

IDN0110: Data Mining and network analysis

Taught by: Sven Nõmm

EAP: 6.0

Time and place:

 Lectures: 17:15-18:45  TBA
           17:45-19:15  TBA
 Labs:     14:00-15:30  TBA

Consultation: by appointment TBA Additional information:


  • 2x mandatory closed book tests. Each test gives 10% of the final grade.
  • 4x mandatory home assignments (Computational assignment +short write up.) 30% of the final grade (computed on the basis of three best results)
  • final exam (gives 50 % of the final grade): Written report on assigned topic + discussion with lecturer.

Exam prerequisites: both closed book tests are accepted (graded as 51 or higher), all 4 home assignments are accepted (graded as 51 or higher).

  • 91 < score -- grade 5 (excellent)
  • 81 < score < 90 -- grade 4 (very good)
  • 71 < score < 80 -- grade 3 (good)
  • 61 < score < 70 -- grade 2 (satisfactory)
  • 51 < score < 60 -- grade 1 (pass)

score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed to pass


Lecture slides, necessary files, links and other necessary information would appear here before the lecture or practice.