Teadmispõhise tarkvaraarenduse meetodid / Methods of Knowledge Based Software Development - 2015

Allikas: Kursused
Redaktsioon seisuga 30. august 2015, kell 22:48 kasutajalt Juhan (arutelu | kaastöö)
Mine navigeerimisribale Mine otsikasti

Course code: ITI8600 (Ainekaart eesti keeles ITI8600)

Language: The default language of the course is English, but if all students understand Estonian, it will be in Estonian


  • Tanel Tammet, tanel.tammet@ttu.ee, 6203457, TTÜ ICT-426
  • Juhan Ernits, juhan.ernits@ttu.ee, 6202326, TTÜ ICT-428 (handles ÕIS registrations)

Past editions

This course will be offered for the first time in 2015. It is the result of combining two previously offered courses, Knowledge Search, Formalization and Storing and Principles of Artificial Intelligence

Time, place, result

  • Lectures: Mondays 17:45-19:15, SOC-211B, SOC-211C
  • Labs: Tuesdays 17:45-19:15, ICT-401