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ITX8512 offers 6 ECTS for Internships & Practical trainings.

Responsible examiner is Olaf Maennel

If you are looking for a new internship place, please contact: Liisi Ilu. Internship places are centrally coordinated.

If you have already work experience, the requirements to get this recognised are as follows:

  • The work that you have done must be in an IT-related field. You must have worked at least 4 weeks full-time, or 8 weeks part-time (at 50%).
  • Your supervisor will have to sign a form and evaluate your work progress. Internship regulations and supervisor form can be found on the Internship regulation and forms page ( Internship)
  • You will need to document what you have been working on and write a report about it. Guideline is about 1-2 pages. This paper should be well structured AND in academic writing style, e.g., with introduction/overview, (work-)problem-statement, solution/methodology/achievements, and conclusion. See also the faculty guidelines for information on what questions to address in your report.
  • You will have to give a presentation about what you have done during your work/internship. This presentation should not only give an overview of what the company is/was doing, but also present some particular projects and problems that you have been working on. If you have worked in a team, also explain how this went and what your contribution was. The presentation should not be longer than 15 min, and you should expect questions at anytime.
  • Please register only on this course in OIS, after you have given the signed supervisor form to Olaf Maennel, and after given your presentation. If you have any issues with registering this course in OIS, please contact the study office/deans office on the 4th floor of the IT-building.

There will be roughly once a month a preassigned time-slot opportunity for your presentation. Please contact Olaf Maennel at least one week in advance, if you are planning to attend any of those sessions:

    Monday, 02 March 2015  16.00-17.00  in ICT-411 
    Monday, 13 April 2015  16.00-17.00  in ICT-411 
    Monday, 11 May 2015  16.00-17.00  in ICT-411 
    Monday, 01 June 2015  16.00-17.00  in ICT-411 
    Monday, 29 June 2015  16.00-17.00  in ICT-411 

The room is ICT-411 is on the 4th floor of IT building.

Note that If you presentation contains some confidential material, then we will arrange a private presentation for your presentation.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact: Olaf Maennel