
Allikas: Kursused
Redaktsioon seisuga 27. veebruar 2018, kell 14:09 kasutajalt Toomas (arutelu | kaastöö) (:)
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Basic Information

  • Course Code -- ITX8205
  • Credit Points -- 6.0 EAP
  • Course Language -- English
  • Course Schedule :

-- the course will be held Lectures Monday 10:00- 10:30

-- the course will be held Lectures Thursday 17:15- 18:45

All lectures and lab sessions will be held in   (Akadeemia tee 15A building). 
  • Lectures room ICT-A2
  • Labx: ICT-401


During the semester,homework assignments are given to each student. During the exam, some tasks are given to each student,

Homework lab assignments make total of ... grade

  • score > 90 -- grade 5 (excellent)
  • 80 < score ≤ 90 -- grade 4 (very good)
  • 70 < score ≤ 80 -- grade 3 (good)
  • 60 < score ≤ 70 -- grade 2 (satisfactory)
  • 50 < score ≤ 60 -- grade 1 (pass)
  • score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed to pass

Virtual Machine Image

Lab Sessions