Advanced programming 2017

Allikas: Kursused
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Course code: ITT8060

Lecturers: Juhan Ernits

Lab staff: Hendrik Maarand

Contact: NB! Mention ITT8060 in the subject line!

Time and place:

Lectures: Wednesdays 14:00, U06A-201.

Labs: Wednesdays 16:00, ICT-401 or Thursdays 14:00, ICT-401.

Past editions: Advanced programming 2016 Advanced programming - 2015 Advanced programming 2014

You can download Visual Studio via the Microsoft Imagine (formerly known as MS Academic Alliance, Dreamspark) program. Unless you explicitly opt out, your e-mail will be used to activate a MS Imagine account. Students will have access to a wide range of Microsoft products for study purposes at no cost.

If you want to set up your development environment in a virtual machine, you are welcome to use the free VirtualBox or get a license of VMware Workstation via the VMware Academic Program. You will need to contact us at vmware at to gain access.

Installing F# tools on Windows is described here.

Installing F# tools on Linux is described here.

Installing F# tools on a Mac is described here.

Discussion group

The discussions should happen at the ITT8060 course page in You will need to use your TUT university account to get into that environment.

Important dates

The midterm test will take place on November 1 during the lecture. It will contribute up to 5% of your final exam mark. In case you have some serious reason why you cannot be present on November 1, you should let us know in writing by Monday, October 30th to


  • Tomas Petricek with Jon Skeet: Real-world functional programming with examples in F# and C#

- 10 copies at TUT: [1] - Several copies available in Tartu

- Electronic edition available at TUT library (TUT Uni-ID required for login) [2]

- several paper copies available in the ATI library in Tartu.

  • Additional textbook

Don Syme: Expert F#

- 5 copies at TUT: [3]

Lecture recordings

Lecture recordings are available in [4].

Lecture notes and courseworks

All lecture notes and courseworks are available at ITT8060 course materials on our Gitlab instance.

Task for the first lab:

You need your ID card or residence permit with a chip to sort out your access to the systems at TUT.

If you do not have an ID card or residence permit with a chip proceed as follows:

  • Learn your Uni-ID and set a password at the kind admins at room ICT-410. Write the Uni-ID down, because you will need it to submit your homeworks!
  • To get access to the study information system without a chip card, go to room SOC-132. (The Campus Map will help you find your way).

The rest of the tasks and lecture notes be available at under the course ITT8060.

The marks to courseworks are available at [5]. To log in use your as an e-mail address (it actually is an e-mail address as well!). Once logged in, please enroll to ITT8060.

Warning: you are required to solve the courseworks yourself. It is OK to ask questions in class and in the course forum, and discuss the problems with fellow students, but it is not OK to share solutions. If you get caught submitting somebody else's work, you and the person copied from will be penalised by receiving 0 marks and your act will be reported to the program manager. Repeated offence will result in losing your student status.

Lecture 1: Introduction. Basic concepts of F#

Recommended reading: Chapters 1-2 in RWFP, Chapter 1 in FPuF#.

Lecture 2: Tuples, lists, recursion. Functions as values

Tentative lecture titles (there will be some modifications)

Lecture 3: Lists and recursion

Lecture 4: Discriminated unions and higher order functions

Lecture 5: Discriminated unions and higher order functions continued

Lecture 6: Behaviour centric programs

Lecture 7: Units of measure. Charting. Accessing CSV files with CsvFile and CSV type provider

Lecture 8: Property based testing: FsCheck

Lecture 9: Accessing .Net libraries, implementing interfaces, Unit testing in F#

Lecture 10: Efficiency of data structures. Tail recursion

Lecture 11: Sequences and computation expressions

Lecture 12: F# for the web: compiling F# to JavaScript with Fable

Lecture 13: Asynchronous computations and reactive programming

Lecture 14: Data analysis with FsLab

Lecture 15: Parallel computations in F#

Submission of courseworks

(From week 2)

You are required to upload courseworks to a GIT repository provided by the university.

You are required to set the repository up yourself. To do that you are required to go to

log in using your Uni-ID, and create a project itt8060. NB! It is very important that you use all small caps, because renaming it later will cause problems)

Your repository GIT URL will then become:

You should be able to clone the empty repository by running the following command

git clone

First time submission

To submit the courseworks the first time you should create appropriate subdirectories into the freshly cloned directory. For example, if your name is John Doe and your TUT Uni-ID user name is jodo, then you would run the following commands from Git Bash:

To set your user details:

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global

To clone the repository and copy courseworks into it:

git clone
cd itt8060
mkdir coursework1

NB! The permissions have been pre-configured for you when you create the correct URL. Some courseworks will run automated tests and you will not get any points if you have not set up the repository according the the instructions.

Now copy coursework1.fsx into the newly created directory "coursework1" and run

git add coursework1/coursework1.fsx

To commit a logical set of changes you run commit:

git commit -a

Your default text editor will be Vi unless your settings say otherwise. To make it easier, Esc + : + x saves and exits, Esc + : + q! quits without saving (note that + is a separator, i.e. you should not type +)

To upload the contents to the server run

git push origin master

NB! Remember to replace jodo with your own TUT UNI-ID username which you can find out from [6] if you have an ID card or residence permit, or from the kind admins in room ICT-410!

Submission of additional files to a non-empty repository

Once you have successfully submitted your first homework, you will be asked to submit further homeworks to the same repository.

We assume that you have a local copy of the repositori in directory called "myrepo". You can always clone a fresh copy by running the following command from Git Bash:

git clone mylocalrepodir

This command is also useful to check if your submission of homeworks has been useful. Just replace "mylocalrepodir" with some temporary directory to check what got uploaded to the GIT server.

When you modify a file that is already registered with git, e.g. you modify the coursework that you already committed and pushed, the only thing you need to do is commit the modifications and push them again.

The following assumes that you have a local copy of the repo and you have changed directory into that repository by running e.g.

cd mylocalrepodir

For example, you modified coursework1/coursework1.fsx and want to upload the modifications. What you need to do is to commit the changes:

git commit coursework1/coursework1.fsx -m "Description of the modifications"

And then, to upload the changes to the server by running

git push

To add new files, e.g. coursework2.fsx, you will need to run the "git add" command after copying the new file to the appropriate location in the myrepo directory:

git add coursework2/coursework2.fsx
git commit coursework2/coursework2.fsx -m "Some message describing the commit"
git push

NB! Never attempt to add directories, i.e. only add files! Git figures directories out automatically, you can only add files that have been already placed in appropriate directories.

If you run "git commit" without the "-m" switch, you will be prompted with the default text editor in your system. If you are using Git Bash, the editor tends to be Vim. Look at the Vi reference card for survival tips.

Issues regarding the repository access should be reported to

If git seems to be doing something different from what you expect it to do, check what state it is in by running in myrepo

git status

The output will show which files are tracked and which are not. To track untracked files add them by "git add". If you accidentally added some files you do not want to be tracked, run "git rm file-not-to-be-tracked".

To see the history of commits in the repository, run

git log

You can also visualise the history by running


Further info available in the Git book.