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Java vs Python

Java string literals are enclosed in double quotes ("), never in single quotes. Character literals are enclosed in single quotes ('), never in double quotes. A one-character string is not the same as the single character. Escape sequences (\n, \t, etc.) are single characters. There are no triple-quoted strings or raw strings in Java.

Strings can be concatenated with the + operator. Any object, of any type, may be concatenated to a String; it will be automatically converted to a String (for objects, via their toString() method) before being concatenated.

In Python, # starts a single-line comment; in Java, // starts a single-line comment. Java also has multi-line comments, beginning with /* and ending with */.

In Python a docstring (documentation string) is a string, usually triple-quoted, just after a function or method header. In Java, a Javadoc comment begins with /** and ends with */, and is put just before a method header, class header, or variable declaration.

In Python, string can reside in a pair of single quotes as well as a pair of double quotes. It supports multiplication: "x"*3 is "xxx".


Java Python
<syntaxhighlight lang="java" line="1" >

//string String city = "New York"; String state = "California";//has to be " not '

String lines = "multi-line " + "string"; </syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line="2" >
  1. Strings

city = "New York" state = 'California'

  1. multi-line string

lines = """multi-line string""" moreLines = multi-line string </syntaxhighlight>