Sentences (need do carried out before 30 th November 2014)
If you were late les than 3 times Choose one of them : If you were late more than 2 times you should choose 2 tasks:
1) Write an essay (6+ pages 12 font size Times New Roman) :
1.1 Forget what you have ever learned about computers and imagine yourself being a person who just bought one, can barely use web browser and has heard from friend about bad thing called "computer virus" that you should protect yourself against. Try to educate yourself about the "computer virus" using only non-technical mainstream newspapers, believing literally everything that is written there.
Describe what your conclusion about nature, sources and motivation of computer viruses would be and how you think you could protect yourself. Don’t be afraid to include most ridiculous claims (apparent to you as computer literate person), in fact prefer them and provide links to sources.
1.2 “Attack Vectors” Describe top 5 infection vectors. Provide sources and references. Include examples
2) Research work on Exploit kits - What are available, where to get them , prices , how they function Prices should be from original source - as with lab 1 give links and screenshots. Describe functionality at least 2 of EK-s that you "can acquire"
3) Choose witch script you like an give your written argumented opinion why you liked this solution. IF you think that you are author of one those scripts this choice is not for you (we know writers :))