Public Lecture Maennel 2013

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The third public cyber security lecture at Tallinn University of Technology will take place in X-212 (TUT social sciences building, Akadeemia 3, right next to the library) at 1000-1130 on Thursday the 24th of October. This event is part of a lecture series supported by the IT Academy and within the framework of the European Cyber Security Month. Please feel free to forward the lecture information to any interested parties.

Speaker: Olaf Maennel, PhD - Loughboro University

Topic: Security issues of IPv4-IPv6 transition

Abstract: The growth of the Internet has made IPv4 addresses a scarce resource. Due to slow IPv6 deployment, IANA-level IPv4 address exhaustion was reached before the world could transition to an IPv6-only Internet. The continuing need for IPv4 reachability will only be supported by IPv4 address sharing. This lecture reviews ISP-level address sharing mechanisms, which allow Internet service providers to connect multiple customers who share a single IPv4 address. Some mechanisms come with severe and unpredicted consequences, and all of them come with tradeoffs. For example, will cyber-criminals now be untraceable, because content providers (today) only log time and IP address of the attacker, but not source ports? Such and other questions will be discussed during the lecture.

Speaker bio: Olaf Maennel is a lecturer at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom since September 2009. Before that he was at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories and at the School of Mathematical Science at the University of Adelaide in South Australia. He received his Ph.D. (Dr. rer. net) from the Technical University in Munich (Germany) in 2005. His research interests are routing, network security, active measurements, next generation internet technology, as well as configuration management.