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[[Media:ITI8740_22_06_MVP.pdf | Slides]]
===== Week 7: Intro to Prototyping ===
==== Week 7: Intro to Prototyping ====

Redaktsioon: 13. oktoober 2022, kell 10:14

Course: ITI8740 Software Development Team project
Course alias: ITX8522 Software Entrepreneurship Project
Lecturer: Martin Verrev
Langugage: English
Credit Points: 12 ECT
Contact: martin.verrev ätt, ICT-422
Date, time, location: Thursdays, 16:00-17:30/19:00, ICT-411
Teams channel: ITI8740/ITX8522 Software Development Team Project (2022), regsitration code: i158tsx
Archive from 2021:

Primary Goals

The primary purpose of the goal is to give an experience of analysing, specifing, developing and documenting a a real life business problem. Also to organize a teamwork and apply agile development mehtods to solve said problem.


Week 1: Introduction. Finding Problem to Solve


Week 2: Presenting Ideas & Forming the Teams

Homework: Please think of the problem you want to solve and be ready to present it in 90 seconds. Do not overthink - pick something you would like to do.


Week 3: Introduction to Lean Startup, Lean Canvas

Homework: Please decide on the problem to be solved and create initial project environment (see slides from week 2)


Week 4: Talking to Customers. Mom Test

Homework: Please create the canvas for your initial idea and share it in wiki on Gitlab.


Week 5: The Business Value

Guest lecture by Märt Ridala:

Week 6: Minimal Viable Product


Week 7: Intro to Prototyping