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Course: ITI8740 Software Development Team project
Course alias: ITX8522 Software Entrepreneurship Project
Lecturer: Martin Verrev
Langugage: English
Credit Points: 12EAP
Contact: martin.verrev ätt, ICT-418
Date, time, location: Fridays, 11:30-13:00, ICT-A1
Course Materials
- Ebook: Ash Maruya. Running Lean
- Ebook: Getting Real
- Tool: CNVS - Tool for creating the lean canvas
- 91 < score -- grade 5 (excellent)
- 81 < score < 90 -- grade 4 (very good)
- 71 < score < 80 -- grade 3 (good)
- 61 < score < 70 -- grade 2 (satisfactory)
- 51 < score < 60 -- grade 1 (acceptable)
score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed the course