Course: ITI8740 Software Development Team project/ITX8522 Software Entrepreneurship Project
Lecturer: Martin Verrev
Langugage: English
Credit Points: 12EAP
Contact: martin.verrev ätt, ICT-418
Slack Channel:, to sign up use the following link
Final Documentation
The purpose of documentation is to understand the system, how to use it and if needed how to develop it further. You should already have created most of the documentation during the course and the primary focus is packaging it into single document.
The documentation should be uploaded to Gitlab and link provided to the lecturer via Slack direct message by Monday, December 23, 14:00.
The description of final project documentation can be found here: ITI8740_Final_Documentation
Time and Place
Lectures: Thursdays 17:45 .. 19:15 ICT-315
Weekly meetings with supervisor: TBD by teams and supervisors
Info about deadlines and upcoming presentations content
Lecture Slides
- Lecture 1: Introduction.
- Lecture 2: Lean Startup in a Nutshell. Team Formation
- Lecture 3: Capturing the Business Model. The Lean Canvas
- Lecture 4: Visualizing the Canvas
- Lecture 5Content Hacking
Important Dates
- Week 4, September 26 The Lean Canvas
- Week 7, October 17 Problem Validation & Speaking to Customers.
- Week 10, November 7 MVP - Phase 1
- Week 14, November 28 MVP - Phase 2
- Week 16, December 19 Final Presentations
Course Materials
- Ebook: Ash Maruya. Running Lean
- Ebook: Getting Real
- Tool: CNVS - Tool for creating the lean canvas
- 91 < score -- grade 5 (excellent)
- 81 < score < 90 -- grade 4 (very good)
- 71 < score < 80 -- grade 3 (good)
- 61 < score < 70 -- grade 2 (satisfactory)
- 51 < score < 60 -- grade 1 (acceptable)
score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed the course