Machine learning ITI8565 (2017)
Previous years: 2015
Spring 2015/2015
ITI8565: Machine learning
Taught by: Sven Nõmm
EAP: 6.0
Time and place: Thursdays
Lectures: 14:00-15:30 ICT-A1 Labs: 16:00-17:30 ICT-402
Consultation: by appointment TBA
Additional information:
The course is organised by the Department of Comptuer Science. The course is supported by IT Academy.
- 91 < score -- grade 5 (excellent)
- 81 < score < 90 -- grade 4 (very good)
- 71 < score < 80 -- grade 3 (good)
- 61 < score < 70 -- grade 2 (satisfactory)
- 51 < score < 60 -- grade 1 (acceptable)
score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed to pass
Lecture slides, necessary files, links and other necessary information would appear here before the lecture or practice.
Lecture 1: Introduction and Decision Trees
Practice 1
Please Observe the practice room change starting 12.02.2016 ICT-402 !!!
Lecture 2: k- Nearest Neighbors
Practice 2
Lecture 3: K- Means
NB! Moodle environment for the course has been activated
If you need the code to enroll please contact the teacher by e-mail. I will continue to upload lecture slides here. All other resources including home assignments will be available thorough the moodle only!!!
Lecture 4: Linear Regression
Home Assignment 1
Home Assignment 1 is available in Moodle! The deadline is 15.03.2016 23:55 !
Lecture 5:
Lecture 6:
Lecture 7:
Lecture 8:
Lecture 9:
Due to a number of requests to postpone the Test Nr1. Test Nr1. will take place on Thursday April the 7th.
On march the 31st studies will take place as usually.