Machine learning ITI8565 (2017)
Previous years: 2015
Spring 2015/2015
ITI8565: Machine learning
Taught by: Sven Nõmm
EAP: 6.0
Time and place: Thursdays
Lectures: 14:00-15:30 ICT-A1 Labs: 16:00-17:30 ICT-402
Consultation: by appointment TBA
Additional information:
The course is organised by the Department of Comptuer Science. The course is supported by IT Academy.
- 91 < score -- grade 5 (excellent)
- 81 < score < 90 -- grade 4 (very good)
- 71 < score < 80 -- grade 3 (good)
- 61 < score < 70 -- grade 2 (satisfactory)
- 51 < score < 60 -- grade 1 (acceptable)
score ≤ 50 -- a student has failed to pass
Lecture slides, necessary files, links and other necessary information would appear here before the lecture or practice.
Lecture 1: Introduction and Decision Trees
Practice 1
Please Observe the practice room change starting 12.02.2016 ICT-402 !!!
Lecture 2: k- Nearest Neighbors
Practice 2
Lecture 3: K- Means
NB! Moodle environment for the course has been activated
If you need the code to enroll please contact the teacher by e-mail. I will continue to upload lecture slides here. All other resources including home assignments will be available thorough the moodle only!!!
Lecture 4: Linear Regression
Home Assignment 1
Home Assignment 1 is available in Moodle! The deadline is 15.03.2016 23:55 !
Lecture 5:
Lecture 6:
Lecture 7:
Lecture 8:
Lecture 9:
Due to a number of requests to postpone the Test Nr1. Test Nr1. will take place on Thursday April the 7th.
On march the 31st studies will take place as usually. Slides
Test 1: 07.04.2016
Nothing is scheduled for today practice, but the room will be opened for your self practice. Sven will be around to answer your questions. There will be no consultation today